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Farmers benefit from Landus health coverage

Farmers benefit from Landus health coverage

By Andi Anderson

Landus, an Iowa-based agriculture solutions company, has announced the launch of new health coverage options specifically designed for farmers.

Through its initiatives, Landus Health and Conduit Health, the company aims to provide affordable and comprehensive health care options to farmers across the nation.

This initiative is powered by Momentum Ag, a division of Patriot Growth Insurance Services, LLC, and utilizes a nationwide provider network to make health care accessible for farming communities.

Historically, health coverage has been expensive and limited in the agricultural industry, with many farmers shouldering the majority of their healthcare costs out of pocket. Landus Health and Conduit Health are changing that by offering coverage tailored to the unique needs of rural families and farming operations of all sizes.

The programs offer comprehensive coverage, including $0 preventative care and telemedicine, along with care coordination and disease management for chronic conditions.

Farmers who sign up will receive a TytoCare kit, allowing for convenient at-home access to health providers and diagnoses, no matter their distance from provider locations.

In addition to comprehensive care, Landus Health and Conduit Health provide multiple affordable program options to fit various budgets.

Whether covering just the employee, employee and spouse, employee and children, or the entire family, there is a suitable plan available. The programs also utilize the Cigna nationwide network, ensuring that farmers can easily find in-network providers wherever they are.

“This is a gamechanger for farmers everywhere,” said Dee McCune, Health Program Project Lead at Landus. “As a farmer myself, I know first-hand the challenges that many face in this industry.

Through Landus Health and Conduit Health, it will now be easier than ever for farmers to have affordable nationwide coverage for not just themselves, but their families and employees.”

Matt Carstens, President & CEO of Landus and Conduit, emphasized the importance of affordable health coverage in supporting rural communities.

“We listened to our farmers. There have not been affordable health coverage options out there for them without a member of their family finding a job away from the farm. Landus Health and Conduit Health will change that,” he said.

Lucas Strom, Founder & CEO of Momentum Ag, added, “Working with companies like Landus who truly put the farmer at the center is one of the many reasons why I founded Momentum Ag. Accessible and affordable health coverage is hard to come by in rural communities, and we are changing that.”

Photo Credit: gettyimages-alexeyrumyantsev

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Categories: Iowa, General

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