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Summit Carbon Solutions Advances in South Dakota

On the heels of submitting its pipeline permit application in Iowa in late January, Summit Carbon Solutions, Ames, Iowa, announced that it filed its pipeline permit application with the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission Monday.

Summit's carbon capture and storage project will connect ethanol biorefineries across five states in the upper Midwest -- Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Seven ethanol biorefineries in South Dakota have partnered with Summit along its approximately 469-mile route across the state.

"Summit Carbon Solutions' project will benefit farmers across the state by maintaining a strong corn market while supporting ethanol producers. The project will also provide tax revenue for the counties along the route and help the environment," said Walt Wendland, CEO of Ringneck Energy, one of Summit Carbon Solutions' ethanol plant partners in South Dakota.

By capturing and permanently storing carbon dioxide emissions from partner ethanol biorefineries, Summit Carbon Solutions will cut the carbon footprint of their ethanol in half, which will help ensure the long term environmental and economic sustainability of ethanol facilities in South Dakota. Ethanol plants purchase approximately half of the corn grown in South Dakota and represent a vital market for South Dakota farmers.

"Summit Carbon Solutions will be transformational for the agriculture industry throughout South Dakota," said Bruce Rastetter, CEO of Summit Agricultural Group. "Our team understands the challenges the agriculture and biofuels industries face year in and year out, and we're focused on working with producers to help improve their sustainability and position them well for decades to come."

Summit Carbon Solutions seeks to lower greenhouse gas emissions by connecting industrial facilities via strategic infrastructure to store carbon dioxide safely and permanently in the Midwestern United States.

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Categories: Iowa, Business, Nebraska, Business

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