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4-H Specialist Reminds Iowans to be Vigilant About Animal Care in Cold Weather

4-H Specialist Reminds Iowans to be Vigilant About Animal Care in Cold Weather

With more bitter cold days in the forecast, livestock and pet owners need to be vigilant about the care they give to outdoor animals.

While many hobby farm animals in Iowa are well acclimated to lower temperatures, a few basic considerations can keep livestock healthy and comfortable throughout the winter months, according to Amy Powell, 4-H specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.

A key part of managing any animal’s health is, first and foremost, establishing a good relationship with a veterinarian. While general resources can provide a good starting point, veterinarians can provide more specific recommendations based on an individual animal’s needs.

“It’s always important to have a relationship with a veterinarian, whether you have a cat or a pig,” said Powell.

According to Powell, another important consideration for any animal is water availability.

“The biggest concern to keep in mind is making sure that your water doesn’t freeze,” she said. “However, sometimes animals won’t drink water that’s too warm, so it’s important to find that balance.”

“An electric water heater can be a good solution; you just want to make sure it doesn’t get too hot or short out,” she said.

For more specific guidelines, including species-specific daily water consumption ranges, visit the ISU Extension and Outreach publication Watering Systems for Grazing Livestock.

Nutritional needs

“Nutrition is also important when temperatures drop,” continued Powell. “At low temperatures, livestock animals are using a lot more energy to keep warm, so it’s important to up nutrition availability, whether that’s through higher quality hay or giving them more grain, or whatever that animal eats.”

As far as exposure to the elements, many livestock animals in Iowa are well acclimated to the cold and can tolerate low temperatures so long as they are provided with adequate water and nutrition.

“Since most animals are outside all the time, they have a thick winter coat,” explained Powell. “As long as they have been outside and are acclimated to being outside, they can survive in pretty cold temperatures.”

For additional shelter from the elements, Powell recommends providing a windbreak for pasture animals.

Caring for the Young

Despite these adaptations, it’s important to provide additional consideration for young animals, which are smaller and more susceptible to temperature injury.

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Photo Credit: freepik-upklyak

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Categories: Iowa, Livestock, Weather

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