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USDA to Host Public Listening Session on Competition in Seeds, Inputs

USDA will host a virtual public listening session to gather farmers' concerns regarding seeds and agricultural inputs, fertilizer, and retail markets on Aug. 24 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. ET.

USDA continues to seek input from the public about the impacts of concentration, intellectual property, and market power in seeds and other agricultural inputs on competition and market access for farmers, seed businesses, and other new and growing market competitors -- especially small and medium-sized enterprises.

Comments from the public will inform reports and policy development relating to fair and competitive markets, supply chain resiliency, pandemic response, local and regional food systems, and other areas. More information is available on the Agricultural Marketing Service Fair and Competitive Markets webpage at

Advance registration is required and can be found at

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Categories: Indiana, Government & Policy, Iowa, Government & Policy, Kentucky, Government & Policy, New York, Government & Policy, Ohio, Government & Policy

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