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Stalk strength a concern as Iowa harvest continues

Stalk strength a concern as Iowa harvest continues

By Andi Anderson

Crop yields in Iowa have exceeded expectations despite prolonged drought conditions throughout the growing season. However, these impressive yields have come at the expense of stalk stability, causing concern for many field agronomists.

A field agronomist responsible for monitoring the state's northwest region explained that plants, in their struggle for survival, tend to prioritize producing crop yields over maintaining stalk strength. As a result, the stalks have become less stable and susceptible to toppling in strong winds.

Recent strong winds have led to some cornfields appearing damaged. These downed stalks can slow down the harvest process, requiring farmers to adjust their equipment and harvest direction to compensate. They can also cause additional plant material to be pulled into the combine.

The situation is further complicated by the soybean harvest, which is currently underway. Many soybeans have reached an ideal moisture level for harvest. However, this also means that fields with downed cornstalks are at risk of further damage from winds as farmers rush to complete their soybean harvest.

An Extension field agronomist based in east-central Iowa mentioned that her region is the driest in the state, with areas facing extreme drought conditions. Despite these challenges, some fields have produced decent yields. She noted, "There have been some really good yields, and there are some that are less than our average. But that's not surprising. Just with the fact that we were so dry, a lot of those corn plants gave everything they had to fill those ears."

As of a recent report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Iowa has already harvested approximately 28% of its soybean crop, with over half of the crop harvested this season. The corn harvest is also proceeding ahead of schedule, with around 30% of the state's corn already harvested.

While robust crop yields are welcome news, the persistent drought conditions and strong winds continue to pose challenges, highlighting the importance of stable stalks for a successful harvest season.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-awakr10

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Categories: Iowa, Harvesting

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