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Practical Farmers of Iowa Expands Reach of 2023 Field Day Season

Practical Farmers of Iowa Expands Reach of 2023 Field Day Season

Practical Farmers of Iowa is excited to announce the launch of its 2023 field day season with a cover crop-focused event on June 9 in Rockwell City. PFI will host 43 events across the state, and beyond, on topics spanning the agricultural spectrum from June through November.

To better serve PFI’s growing network, Practical Farmers has planned more out-of-state events to help connect farmers with farmer-led learning and the benefits of PFI’s network. This year, field days will take place in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska and Wisconsin.

Field days showcase farmers with operations of all sizes and production practices. Events explore conventional and organic field crops, cover crops and small grains; livestock systems of differing scales and species; vegetable production, flowers and orcharding; urban farming; efforts to add habitat and conservation practices; farmland transfer; marketing and more.

This year, PFI will also hold several hands-on field days designed specifically for in-depth experiential learning. While all PFI field days offer the chance to engage and ask questions, these mini workshops give attendees firsthand practice in the areas of focus. Hands-on topics this season will explore sheep shearing and vegetable production tools and equipment.

PFI field days offer a welcoming atmosphere, a spirit of curiosity, a culture of mutual respect and farmers openly sharing their knowledge and experience. All events are led by PFI farmer members, which contributes to this spirit of community and learning. At PFI field days, farmers believe in sharing their knowledge, discoveries, mistakes and successes so others can learn and grow their own operation.



Photo Credit: Practical Farmers of Iowa

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Categories: Iowa, General

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