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Iowa Leads the Nation in 2022 Census of Agriculture

Iowa Leads the Nation in 2022 Census of Agriculture

By Andi Anderson

Iowa's farmers have taken a leading role in the 2022 Census of Agriculture, setting a record for participation with an impressive 71% return rate. This surpasses the national average of 61% and demonstrates the crucial role agriculture plays in the state's economy and identity.

"I want to thank all the Iowa producers for their dedication in completing the Census," said Greg Thessen, NASS Upper Midwest Regional Director. "Their individual responses paint a powerful picture of Iowa's agricultural landscape, highlighting its significance and helping us track vital trends."

The Census of Agriculture, conducted every five years, is the only comprehensive source of agricultural data at the national, state, and county levels. This valuable information is used by various stakeholders, including:

  • Farm and commodity organizations: to understand market trends and advocate for policies that benefit producers.
  • Extension educators: to develop targeted educational programs and outreach initiatives.
  • Agribusinesses: to make informed decisions about investments and product development.
  • Legislators: to craft effective agricultural policies and allocate resources.
  • News media: to report accurately and inform the public about the state of American agriculture.

The 2022 Census data release is eagerly awaited, scheduled for February 13, 2024. These insights will provide a fresh perspective on Iowa's agricultural sector and its contributions to the nation's food security and economic well-being.

Iowa's exemplary participation in the Census is a testament to the state's deep connection to agriculture. By sharing their data, farmers are not only helping themselves but also shaping the future of the industry for generations to come.


Photo Credit: gettyimages-artqu

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