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Iowa farms shine in 2024 environmental awards

Iowa farms shine in 2024 environmental awards

By Andi Anderson

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds, Lieutenant Governor Adam Gregg, Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig, and Department of Natural Resources Director Kayla Lyon recognized 44 Iowa farm families with the prestigious Iowa Farm Environmental Leader Awards during a ceremony at the 2024 Iowa State Fair.

These awards honor farmers who have voluntarily implemented conservation practices that protect and enhance the state's natural resources, particularly its soil and water.

The recognized farm families have embraced a variety of conservation practices, including the use of cover crops, no-till farming, wetlands, bioreactors, saturated buffers, and grass waterways.

These methods not only improve water quality and soil health but also contribute to the broader goals of the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy.

The recipients of this award are acknowledged for understanding that the benefits of conservation extend beyond their individual farms and for inspiring others in their communities to adopt similar practices.

“Farming and environmental stewardship have always gone hand-in-hand,” said Governor Reynolds. “Today, we’re proud to honor farm families who have gone above and beyond, often for generations, to safeguard the land that feeds the world and makes our way of life possible.

Congratulations to the 2024 IFELA award winners and thank you for preserving our state’s natural resources for decades to come.”

Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig emphasized Iowa’s leadership in conservation and water quality initiatives, noting that the state continues to set records for implementing these practices.

“This award recognizes our state’s farm families who are leading the way and serving as positive examples for others,” Naig said. “We are committed to accelerating our state’s water quality efforts in the years ahead, and I am confident that Iowa’s farmers and landowners will rise to meet this challenge.”

Director Kayla Lyon of the Department of Natural Resources praised the award recipients for their commitment to conservation, stating, “We take great pride in recognizing these leaders in our farming communities throughout our state who prioritize sound conservation practices. Their commitment to conservation is paving the way for future generations and inspiring other farmers.”

Since the Iowa Farm Environmental Leader Award was established in 2012, a total of 821 farm families have been honored. The winners are selected by a committee representing various conservation and agricultural groups, ensuring that the awards highlight the most dedicated and impactful efforts in the state.

Photo Credit: pexels-greta-hoffman

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Categories: Iowa, Government & Policy

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