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I 29 Moo University Webinar Focuses on Dairy Cattle Immunity

I 29 Moo University Webinar Focuses on Dairy Cattle Immunity

By Andi Anderson

The I-29 Moo University Dairy Webinar Series continues on Feb. 26 with an informative session on immune response in dairy cattle to highly pathogenic avian influenza. The one-hour webinar, running from noon to 1 p.m., will be led by Kaitlyn Sarlo Davila, an animal scientist at the USDA ARS National Animal Disease Center in Ames.

Sarlo Davila has been actively researching mastitis in dairy cattle and has conducted studies on avian influenza outbreaks. During the session, she will discuss findings related to the protective immunity in infected cattle, helping dairy farmers understand how the disease progresses and the immune system’s response.

The webinar is free of charge, but participants must register at least one hour before the event. Online registration is available for easy access.

For more details, interested participants can contact:

Iowa: Fred M. Hall at 712-737-4230

Minnesota: Jim Salfer at 320-203-6093

South Dakota: Madison Kovarna at 605-688-4116

The I-29 Moo University is a collaboration between extension dairy specialists from land-grant universities in Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, and South Dakota. This program connects dairy farmers, researchers, and industry experts through webinars, workshops, e-newsletters, podcasts, and on-farm tours.

By attending this webinar, dairy farmers and industry professionals will gain valuable knowledge on disease prevention and immune response, helping them better manage cattle health. The event aims to promote awareness and support dairy producers in handling highly pathogenic avian influenza cases effectively.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-shotbydave

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