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Slight Warming and Markets Return to Full Time

Slight Warming and Markets Return to Full Time

By Andi Anderson

Here are the Top 5 things the DTN Newsroom is tracking for the week of Nov. 26. Watch for coverage of these and other topics through the week on our subscription platforms as well as on

All times listed below are in Central Standard Time (CST) unless otherwise mentioned.

1. Ag Summit approaches: We're in full swing on registration for our 2023 DTN Virtual Ag Summit, Dec. 5-6. The two half-day sessions will be packed with quick-to-digest presentations on business-critical topics from changing farmland values to finances, interest rates and global economics. To register for the free Summit, go here:… and to hear more about it, check out the Reporter's Notebook video with DTN Farm Business Editor Katie Dehlinger.

2. Warming trend: While lake-effect snows will continue around the Great Lakes, The Plains will be turn drier and most of the country will see warmer-than-normal temperatures as El Nino conditions continue to build. For longer-term conditions, don't miss DTN Ag Meteorologist John Baranick's 2024 forecast on Dec. 6 during the DTN Virtual Ag Summit.

3. Volunteers with a view: DTN's Crops Technology Editor Pamela Smith is starting the search for candidates for our annual View From the Cab stories. That highly popular series discusses what's going on in the world of two farm operations, and kicks off just ahead of spring planting. If you're interested in being one of the featured farmers, reach out to her at


Photo Credit: gettyimages-shotbydave

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Categories: Iowa, Business, General

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