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Rain delays force farmers to consider planting strategies

Rain delays force farmers to consider planting strategies

By Andi Anderson

Persistent rain is disrupting planting schedules for many farmers, forcing them to consider alternative strategies to ensure a successful harvest. With limited windows for planting, farmers are weighing the risks and benefits of delayed planting or even replanting.

According to Nate Meyer, a southwest Iowa field agronomist, current data suggests that significant yield losses are not an immediate concern. However, Meyer acknowledges the need for adaptation if planting delays persist.

Fortunately, farmers facing delayed planting have options. Seed companies like Beck's offer a variety of crop hybrids suitable for planting outside the traditional window. This allows farmers to adjust their planting schedules while potentially mitigating yield loss.

Replanting is another option, but it requires careful consideration. Factors like seed availability and weather conditions must be weighed before deciding to replant.

In some cases, seed companies like Beck's may offer support to farmers who need to replant, such as providing seeds at no cost.

The impact of rain delays varies depending on location. Meyer reports significant discrepancies in planting progress across his area in southwest Iowa. This highlights the need for farmers to adapt their strategies based on their specific circumstances.

By carefully evaluating their options and considering the advice of experts, farmers can navigate these challenging weather conditions and make informed decisions to optimize their crop yields.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-awakr10

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