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Master Woodland Steward Program Offered This Spring

Woodland owners and land managers have a unique opportunity to sharpen their skills this spring by participating in a hands-on training program in central Iowa.

Beginning April 5, participants in the Iowa Master Woodland Steward Program will complete seven educational sessions, beginning with an understanding of how to identify Iowa's tree and understory species, the condition of a forest and resources available.

Participants will progress through a series of seven modules, which cover forest planning and potential, tree growth, site considerations and long-term forest management.

The program is sponsored by Iowa State University Forestry Extension and Outreach and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, and in cooperation with county conservation boards.

The program is primarily intended to serve woodland owners and land managers, but may also be of interest to school teachers, loggers and government employees.

Participants will complete 30 hours of intensive forestry training focused on managing woodlands for multiple benefits. In both classroom and hands-on field labs, participants will be provided basic information on tree identification, tree biology, land and tree measurements, woodland inventory, silviculture, forest economics, tree planting, wildlife habitat, pest management, timber marketing, wood use, government assistance programs and stewardship planning.

"This program is a great way to help Iowans know the true value of their woodlands, not only in terms of timber, but also the many other benefits forests provide," said Billy Beck, assistant professor and extension forestry specialist at Iowa State. "My hope is that participants will become better informed on how to ask the right questions, of the right people, at the right time. This includes having intelligent conversations with their forester."

Each module will include approximately one hour of online, self-paced, prework, followed by a three-hour combination in-field and classroom session. In-field and classroom sessions will occur at a variety of sites within Story, Hamilton and Webster counties.

Cost for the program is $75 and includes a forest management textbook and some complimentary gear. Participants should register by March 30 as participation may be capped to encourage networking and interaction with the speakers.

Presenters will include experts from ISU Extension and Outreach, Iowa State University faculty, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, in addition to other public and private entities.

Register online at

Those interested in participating should contact Billy Beck at 515-294-8837, or

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Categories: Iowa, Crops

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