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Iowa farmers protest carbon pipeline support

Iowa farmers protest carbon pipeline support

By Andi Anderson

Some Iowa farmers are protesting the Iowa Corn Growers Association's support of carbon dioxide pipelines by requesting refunds of the penny-per-bushel fee they pay for their sold corn. The fee, known as the "corn checkoff," generates more than $20 million each year for the association, which uses the money to strengthen markets for corn and promote the industry to the public.

The farmers who are requesting refunds are doing so because they believe that the pipelines are harmful to the environment and that the association is not representing their best interests.

The association has defended its support of the pipelines, saying that they will help to boost the long-term viability of ethanol plants in Iowa. However, opponents of the pipelines say that they are not a good investment for the state and that they will ultimately benefit the wealthy investors who are behind the projects.

The Iowa Utilities Board is expected to make a decision about Summit Carbon Solutions' hazardous liquid pipeline permit next year.


Photo Credit: gettyimages-jessicahyde

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Categories: Iowa, Energy, Government & Policy

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