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Iowa Corn Farmers Set Policy at Commodity Classic

Iowa Corn farmer-leaders participated in the Commodity Classic in Orlando, Fla. A key task for the Iowa Corn Growers Association (ICGA) at Commodity Classic is advocating in support of policies and actions for the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) to implement and establish at the federal level to benefit Iowa’s farmers as well as corn farmers across the nation.

“Each year, the policy process starts with our grassroots farmer-members through our membership survey and input gathered at our local roundtable meetings held across the state. The resolutions then move to the ICGA Annual Grassroots Summit held in August, and then on to the national policy development during NCGA’s Corn Congress at Commodity Classic,” said Denny Friest, ICGA President and farmer from Radcliffe, Iowa. “While at Commodity Classic, our ICGA delegates, presented resolutions that set the framework for our federal legislative efforts and directly influence our direction for years to come.”

The Iowa resolutions passed by the NCGA delegate body include:

- Support EPA approval of E-85 conversion for existing vehicles to increase the use of biofuel and consumer choices.

- Support legislative oversight of regulatory agencies.

- Support the development and implementation of carbon capture, utilization and sequestration technologies (including but not limited to pipelines and geologic sequestration) to lower the carbon intensity scores of the entire agriculture value chain.

- Support lowering federal C-corporation tax rates back to 15% for net corporate incomes up to $50,000 and 21% for all net incomes above $50,000.

- Support a tax on electric vehicles to fully offset the loss of state and federal gas tax.

The new NCGA policy document will be posted at when it becomes available. For more information on upcoming policy development meetings in your area, contact the Iowa Corn office at (515)225-9242 or email at

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Categories: Iowa, Crops, Corn

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