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APHIS to Conduct Case-Control Survey of Turkey Farms

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is conducting a case-control survey of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) on turkey farms.

To date, over 70% of commercial poultry farms affected in the 2022 HPAI outbreak have been turkey farms. The goal of the study is to identify differences in management practices, environmental conditions, and farm and barn-level factors between HPAI-affected and unaffected flocks. These observations will help APHIS develop science-based prevention and control recommendations to reduce HPAI disease risk to the nation's turkey flocks. APHIS will publish a report at the conclusion of the study.

APHIS is collaborating with the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) to collect study data via a phone survey through November. Because these responses are critical to the study's success and the ability to provide science-based guidance to protect our nation's poultry production and food supply, APHIS strongly encourages owners to participate if contacted.

Questions or request for additional information about the study or phone survey may be directed to Dr. Katherine Marshall at (970) 214-0253 or via email at

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