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Virtual pig farm tour for elementary students in Iowa

Virtual pig farm tour for elementary students in Iowa

By Andi Anderson

Elementary school students in Iowa are invited to join a virtual pig farm tour on Thursday, October 26, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. CST. The tour is hosted by the Iowa Pork Producers Association and the Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation.

During the tour, students will learn about how pigs are raised and cared for, from birth to market. They will also learn about the different types of pig barns and the pigs' diet. Students will have the opportunity to ask questions of Todd Wiley, a pig farmer from Benton County, Iowa.

The virtual tour is a great way for students to learn about agriculture and where their food comes from. It is also a good opportunity for students to learn about the importance of animal welfare.

To participate in the virtual tour, teachers can register their class at the following link:Ag in Action: Learning with Pigs Registration

Photo Credit: istock-srdjan-stepic

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Categories: Iowa, Livestock, Hogs

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