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USDA Surveying Cattle Operations in Iowa and Nationwide

USDA Surveying Cattle Operations in Iowa and Nationwide

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will conduct a comprehensive survey of approximately 16,000 cattle operations across the United States in July. This survey aims to provide an accurate and current measurement of cattle inventories in the country, benefiting producers, packers, government leaders, and the agriculture industry as a whole.

The survey, scheduled for the first two weeks of July, will focus on beef and dairy cattle inventories, calf crop, death loss, and cattle on feed information. Producers in Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, and neighboring states will have the opportunity to participate in the survey. To ensure convenience, NASS offers multiple response options, including online, telephone, and mail.

The privacy of all respondents is safeguarded, with NASS publishing only aggregated state- and national-level data, ensuring the anonymity of individual producers and operations. The July Cattle report, containing the survey findings, will be released on July 21, 2023. All NASS reports, including the upcoming July Cattle report, can be accessed online at

The survey's results will serve as a vital decision-making tool for the agriculture industry, helping producers plan for herd expansion or reduction, and enabling packers and government leaders to evaluate future slaughter volumes and potential export supplies. For more information about the survey, please contact the NASS Upper Midwest Regional Field Office at (800) 772-0825.

Photo Credit: GettyImages-PamWalker68

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Categories: Iowa, Government & Policy, Livestock, Dairy Cattle

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