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Registration Open for 2023 Veterinarian Update at McNay Farm

Registration Open for 2023 Veterinarian Update at McNay Farm

The 2023 Update for Veterinarians program offers current information and education focused on beef production. Organizer Chris Clark said practitioners who work with cattle will hear from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach experts on nutrition and diet formulation, genetics, and some interesting cases from the diagnostic lab at the July 12 event.

“The program will include useful information that veterinarians can take home and use right away in their practices," said Clark, beef specialist with ISU Extension and Outreach. “The morning session begins with presentations from Garland Dahlke, nutritionist and research scientist with the Iowa Beef Center and ISU Department of Animal Science. He’ll focus this year on fiber in the ruminant diet and will cover the practical application of using fiber digestibility to formulate rations."

Chris Siepker, from the ISU Veterinary Diagnostic Lab and Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine, will round out the morning.

“Chris Siepker will provide some case-based education using some interesting and challenging cases that have come through the ISU VDL,” Clark said. “After lunch, we’ll hear from our new extension cow-calf specialist, Randie Culbertson. She will discuss genetic evaluation of cattle using expected progeny differences and genomics as well as management of simply inherited traits and deleterious mutations. As usual, we’ll be at the McNay Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm and attendees can talk with farm staff about projects.”

Photo Credit: istock-dusanpetkovic

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Categories: Iowa, Education, Livestock, Beef Cattle

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