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Iowa Crop Progress and Condition Report July 3-9, 2023

Iowa Crop Progress and Condition Report July 3-9, 2023

Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig commented today on the Iowa Crop Progress and Condition Report released by the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. The report is released weekly April through November. Additionally, the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship provides a weather summary each week during this time.

“Widespread showers and thunderstorms, along with unseasonably cool temperatures, brought relief to farmers and moisture stressed crops across Iowa last week,” said Secretary Naig. “As corn tassels continue to emerge, thunderstorms remain in the forecast over the next several days along with near-seasonal temperatures."

The weekly report is also available on the USDA’s website at

Crop Report

Western Iowa was the recipient of some much-needed precipitation this week and farmers, statewide, had 5.3 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending July 9, 2023, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. Field activities included cutting hay and spraying crops. Some reports were received of farmers beginning to harvest oats for grain.

Topsoil moisture condition rated 15 percent very short, 42 percent short, 42 percent adequate and 1 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture condition rated 19 percent very short, 45 percent short, 35 percent adequate and 1 percent surplus.

Corn silking hit 22 percent this week, 6 days ahead of last year and 2 days ahead of the 5-year average. Some reports were received of corn starting to dough. Corn condition remained steady at 61 percent good to excellent. Forty-six percent of soybeans were blooming, 5 days ahead of last year and 3 days ahead of the average. Soybeans setting pods reached 7 percent, 4 days ahead of last year and 1 day ahead of normal. Soybean condition rated 52 percent good to excellent. Sixty-seven percent of oats were turning color, 8 days ahead of last year and 5 days ahead of normal. Oat condition improved slightly with 52 percent good to excellent.

The State’s second cutting of alfalfa hay reached 58 percent complete, 9 days ahead of last year and 1 week ahead of the average. Hay condition improved slightly to 35 percent good to excellent. Pasture condition rated 24 percent good to excellent. Livestock producers continued to supplement with hay as pasture conditions remained below average.


Photo Credit: istock-urpspoteko

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Categories: Iowa, Crops, Corn, Livestock, Weather

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