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Nominations Open for the 2023 Spencer Award in Iowa

Nominations Open for the 2023 Spencer Award in Iowa

The Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture is looking for amazing Iowans! They want nominations for the 2023 Spencer Award, a special prize for people doing great things for the environment and farming. The last day to nominate someone is August 25, 2023.

The Spencer Award wants to say "thank you" to those who are making farming better for the future. It's named after Norman and Margaretha Spencer, who cared a lot about leaving the world a better place for the next generation.

This award has been around since 2001, and this year, the winners can get up to $2,000 as a prize.

In the past, they gave the award to farmers who took care of their land really well and found smart ways to protect it for the next farmers. They also recognized teachers and scientists who taught and studied better farming practices.

This year, they have something new! Graduate students from Iowa State University and other schools in Iowa can also get nominated. If they show a strong passion for making farming more sustainable and better for the environment, they can be recognized too!

So, if you know someone doing great things for farming and the environment, tell the Leopold Center before August 25. You can find more details on their website at . Let's celebrate those making a difference in farming!

Photo Credit: gettyimages-ron_thomase+

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Categories: Iowa, Education, Sustainable Agriculture

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