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Master Calving - Free clinic equips Iowa cattle producers

Master Calving - Free clinic equips Iowa cattle producers

By Andi Anderson

Calling all Southwest Iowa cattle producers, from seasoned pros to enthusiastic 4-H and FFA members! Gear up for a valuable learning opportunity at the upcoming calving clinic in Defiance, Iowa, on January 23rd. This immersive experience will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the calving process smoothly, even when faced with dystocia (difficult births). 

The clinic, led by experts from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, offers a unique blend of theoretical and practical learning. You'll delve into the birthing process, newborn calf care, and optimal cow nutrition during this critical time. 

But the true highlight is the hands-on practice session using a life-sized model cow and calf. Imagine honing your skills in a realistic setting, practicing maneuvers to correct undesirable calf positions before delivery. This invaluable experience will boost your preparedness and calm your nerves for real-life calving situations. 

Beyond the model, the clinic boasts a lineup of expert speakers: 

  • Randie Culbertson, Extension Cow-Calf Specialist 
  • Lynn Geoffroy, Postdoc Research Associate in Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine 
  • Brandi Huddle, Shelby Vet Clinic

These professionals will share their insights and answer your questions, fostering a platform for knowledge exchange and peer-to-peer learning. 

The best part? This comprehensive clinic is completely FREE! And to ensure a comfortable learning environment, a light supper will be served. However, preregistration by January 19th is mandatory to secure your spot and ensure adequate meal and space arrangements. 

Don't miss this chance to refine your calving skills and gain confidence in managing even challenging deliveries. Register today by contacting the Crawford County Extension office at 712-263-4697 or the Shelby County Extension office at 712-755-3104 or via email to Jennifer Sellner in Shelby County at

Empower yourself and your herd for successful calving seasons to come! 


Photo Credit: istock-simplycreativephotography

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Categories: Iowa, Livestock, Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle

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