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Iowa Farmers Progress Despite Rainy Conditions

Iowa Farmers Progress Despite Rainy Conditions

Iowa farmers faced a challenging week for fieldwork at the end of June, with only 5.1 suitable days available. However, the much-needed rain that fell in the southern region of the state helped to improve crops and hay conditions.

Corn silking began, reaching 4 percent for the week. The condition of corn improved to 61 percent good to excellent. Soybeans were also making progress, as 25 percent of the crop entered the blooming stage. Their condition rose to 53 percent good to excellent. Oats were ahead of schedule, with 43 percent already turning color. Their condition improved to 50 percent good to excellent.

Hay production also made significant progress. Iowa's farmers completed 35 percent of the second cutting of alfalfa hay. This progress outpaced last year's timeline by 8 days and the average by 6 days. The condition of the hay slightly improved, with 33 percent rated as good to excellent.

Pasture conditions remained comparable to the previous week, with a rating of 24 percent good to excellent. Livestock producers continued to supplement with hay due to ongoing pasture limitations.

Photo Credit: istock-dusanpetkovic

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Categories: Iowa, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Livestock, Weather

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