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Heavy rains impact Iowa crop progress and fieldwork

Heavy rains impact Iowa crop progress and fieldwork

By Andi Anderson

Iowa faced heavy rains during the week ending June 30, 2024, resulting in only 3.9 days suitable for fieldwork, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. Rain and flooding throughout much of the state significantly limited field activities.

Topsoil moisture condition was rated 1 percent very short, 7 percent short, 76 percent adequate, and 16 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture condition was rated 1 percent very short, 10 percent short, 75 percent adequate, and 14 percent surplus, indicating overall sufficient moisture levels for crop growth.

Corn silking reached 4 percent, which is one day ahead of last year and four days ahead of the five-year average. However, corn condition fell by 4 percentage points, with 73 percent rated good to excellent.

Soybeans blooming reached 19 percent, slightly behind last year by one day but two days ahead of the average. The condition of the soybean crop stood at 72 percent good to excellent.

Ninety-three percent of the oat crop has headed, with 43 percent turning color, putting it six days ahead of the average. The condition of the oat crop was rated 72 percent good to excellent, reflecting healthy development.

The state’s second cutting of alfalfa hay reached 17 percent completion, matching the five-year average. The condition of hay was rated 78 percent good to excellent, indicating robust growth despite the challenging weather.

Pasture condition was rated 73 percent good to excellent, although many feedlots remained muddy due to excess moisture.

Overall, Iowa’s crop progress and condition show resilience despite the heavy rains and limited fieldwork.

Farmers have managed to keep up with planting and harvesting schedules, and crop conditions remain generally positive. Continued monitoring and adaptive field management will be crucial as the season progresses to ensure a successful harvest.

Photo Credit: usda

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Categories: Iowa, Crops, Weather

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