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FEMA and ag recovery center in Sheldon

FEMA and ag recovery center in Sheldon

By Andi Anderson

State, federal, and local agencies, along with several farming industry groups, are coming together to host a one-day Agriculture Recovery Center on Tuesday, August 27th, at the Sheldon Community Service Center in Sheldon.

The event will run from 12 Noon until 8:00 pm, offering vital resources and support for farmers in the region who have been affected by recent flooding and storm damage.

This walk-through event, designed as a resource fair, will provide farmers with information and assistance on addressing agricultural or rural needs that are not typically covered by standard programs offered by FEMA or the state of Iowa.

Among the key participants are the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Iowa Insurance Division, and several industry organizations, including Iowa Pork Producers, Iowa Soybean, and Iowa Cattlemen.

Together, they aim to identify unmet needs and ensure that resources are available to those who need them most.

In related news, O’Brien County Emergency Management Director Jared Johnson has urged those who still need to register for FEMA individual assistance to visit the Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) in Sheldon.

As of now, the DRC is scheduled to close on Thursday, August 22nd, but Johnson has requested an extension from the Department of Homeland Security to keep the center open for an additional week, until August 30th.

While he awaits a response from Iowa Homeland Security, Johnson reassures residents that even after the Sheldon DRC closes, they can still register online, via phone, or at another DRC.

Johnson also provided an update on the FEMA Individual Assistance and Small Business Administration (SBA) deadlines. The State of Iowa has submitted a request to FEMA to extend the registration deadline, which has now been moved to October 22nd. This extension gives more time for individuals and businesses to apply for the necessary support.

Lastly, Johnson addressed concerns regarding FEMA appeals, noting that due to the high volume of registrations and casework, it may take FEMA 30 to 90 days to process appeal paperwork. He encourages anyone who needs to appeal a decision to remain patient and stay informed throughout the process.

With the upcoming Agriculture Recovery Center and extended deadlines for FEMA assistance, Iowa farmers have several opportunities to access the support they need as they recover from recent natural disasters.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-zoran-zeremski

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Categories: Iowa, General

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