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Women Marketing Cattle Course Helps Farmers Boost Profitability

Women Marketing Cattle Course Helps Farmers Boost Profitability

By Andi Anderson

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach is offering Women Marketing Cattle courses this spring to help women farmers enhance their cattle marketing strategies and improve profitability.

Cattle are Iowa’s fourth-largest agricultural commodity, contributing over $5 billion annually. The course aims to provide women and beginning farmers with tools to navigate market risks and maximize returns.

Participants will gain insights into various pricing strategies, market channels, and risk management options.

“Cattle producers have more marketing options today than ever before. They don’t have to wait and see what they get,” said Tim Christensen, farm management specialist at ISU Extension. “Producers now have tools to reduce price risk in the market.”

The course covers key aspects such as pricing at different production stages—weaning, backgrounding, and finishing. It also includes a refresher on carcass value and its impact on pricing.

Participants will explore futures pricing, risk insurance, and diversification strategies to protect their operations.

An interactive marketing simulation will help farmers practice decision-making and test different strategies.

“We will take producers through a marketing year simulation where they will make key decisions and discover how those impact their profitability,” said Joseph Lensing, farm management specialist.

Courses will be held in:

  • Decorah (April 8-22): Evening classes from 5:30-8:30 p.m.
  • Mt. Ayr (April 29 - May 13): Evening classes from 6-9 p.m.
  • Guthrie Center (May 17): A full-day session from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The $25 registration fee covers meals and course materials. Scholarships are available by contacting Madeline Schultz at The program is funded by the North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center and the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

Photo Credit: iowa-state-university

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Categories: Iowa, Education, Livestock

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