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What to Expect After Sudden Job Loss

What to Expect After Sudden Job Loss

For some people, a sudden job loss might be a welcome relief from a difficult situation or may offer the time to reflect on their career and what they really want. But for most, a job loss can have a significant emotional impact, says David Brown, behavioral health state specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.

“Losing a job due to a plant closure or some other sudden layoff can be overwhelming and stressful,” Brown said. “There might not be a simple fix following sudden unemployment but there are ways to help manage the emotional impact of such a loss.”

He offered the following suggestions that may help individuals to cope positively with stress and loss.

Find social support. Social support plays a critical role in helping people manage adversity. Such support from mentors, family and friends is critical because anxiety and depression can sometimes accompany job loss. Take care of your needs. Keep a regular sleep schedule and eat nutritious meals and snacks. Exercise is also an important remedy for stress. Take a break. Turn this into an opportunity to get away and visit friends or family. Participate in or start an enjoyable hobby.

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Photo Credit: pixabay-mediamodifier

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