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Oklahoma's 2024 crops - wheat stable, cotton doubles

Oklahoma's 2024 crops - wheat stable, cotton doubles

By Jamie Martin

Oklahoma's agriculture in 2024 presents a tale of consistency and growth according to the latest USDA crop report.

Winter wheat, a staple crop, maintained its yield with farmers harvesting over 105 million bushels, a substantial increase from the previous year.

The real standout is cotton, with production estimates doubling to 430 thousand bales. This significant increase is supported by both a higher yield per acre and a 75% increase in harvested acreage.

Adjacent states reflect similar trends. While Texas reports a dip in wheat but a boost in cotton, Kansas records a robust increase in wheat production, underscoring its dominance in the sector.

Other crops in Oklahoma also showed varying trends. Soybeans are on the rise with a 28% increase in production, while corn production is up slightly despite a drop in yield per acre. Conversely, sorghum faces a decline, influenced by reduced acreage and yield.

The report also provides insights into hay production, projecting a 21% decrease for Oklahoma in 2024, yet it remains a major player in the U.S. hay market.

This comprehensive overview of crop production in Oklahoma and surrounding states not only highlights the fluctuations within the agricultural sector but also emphasizes the resilience and adaptability of farmers in the region.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-eugenesergeev

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