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New FDA Regulation Requires Veterinarian Approval for Livestock Antibiotics

New FDA Regulation Requires Veterinarian Approval for Livestock Antibiotics

A recent FDA regulation has come into effect, mandating that livestock producers acquire antibiotics for their animals exclusively through veterinarians or pharmacies. This new rule brings an end to the previous practice in Iowa, where some antibiotics were available over the counter.

According to Dr. Grant Dewell, an Associate Professor in Veterinary Diagnostic & Production Animal Medicine at Iowa State University, larger livestock producers will experience minimal changes, while smaller ones will need to adapt. For those who infrequently consult veterinarians, establishing a working relationship with a local practitioner becomes essential to gain access to necessary treatments for sick animals.

Dr. Dewell believes that the new regulations could ultimately result in improved livestock care. Hobby farmers and smaller producers who previously relied on online sources or self-diagnosis will now be required to seek professional veterinary advice.

While this adjustment may pose initial challenges, it is expected to benefit animal health in the long run. Furthermore, the regulated usage of newer antibiotics may contribute to more effective treatments.

For further information on this subject, the National Cattlemen's Beef Association provides a comprehensive guide for those interested.

Photo Credit: istock-dusanpetkovic

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Categories: Iowa, Business, Livestock, Beef Cattle

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