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Nettleton reappointed as Department of Statistics chair at Iowa State

Nettleton reappointed as Department of Statistics chair at Iowa State

Nettleton, distinguished professor and Laurence H. Baker Endowed Chair in Biological Statistics, was first appointed chair of the department in 2019. His reappointment will take effect July 1 for another five-year term.

“It is with great pleasure that we announce Dan’s reappointment as department chair,” said Daniel J. Robison, endowed dean’s chair of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. “During his first five years in the role as a collaborative leader, he has made great strides with the department, moving it forward from excellence to even more excellence, and is a sought-after partner in both CALS and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.”

"Dan is an exceptional leader," added Beate Schmittmann, dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. "While providing an environment of support that promotes growth and academic excellence, he also remains a highly productive researcher and conscientious mentor to faculty and students."

As department chair, Nettleton has encouraged faculty to improve the visibility of their research through sharing it on multiple channels. He also has supported faculty through various advancements in their professional careers, including the successful nomination of faculty for national awards and the creation of new leadership roles in the department.

Nettleton assisted the department in hosting a conference and celebration of the department’s 75th anniversary that drew alumni and distinguished visitors from throughout the nation to Iowa State. He helped guide the department through a successful external program review and the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, Nettleton gathered a group of statistics faculty to perform statistical analysis of Iowa State COVID-19 infection data and develop testing protocols to be employed on campus.

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Photo Credit: gettyimages-lisegagne

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