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National FFA Officers Foster Global Ties during Japan Visit

National FFA Officers Foster Global Ties during Japan Visit

By Andi Anderson

The National FFA Officer Team for 2023-24 recently marked a significant milestone by undertaking a transformative international program in Japan. Collaborating with their counterparts from Future Farmers of Japan (FFJ), the officers deepened ties in a tradition dating back to 1950. This journey, the first since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, spanned ten days and encompassed a diverse range of cultural and agricultural experiences.

Highlights of the trip included:

  • Briefings at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, engaging with Senior Agriculture Attaché Mark Wallace.
  • Meetings with FFJ students at Tokyo Metropolitan Engei High School and Osaka Prefectural Engei High School.
  • Interaction with an 88-year-old daikon (radish) farmer on Sakurajima Island, home to a 26,000-year-old volcano.
  • Visits to agricultural sites, including the Miyajima Cattle Farm and the Takenouchi farm for strawberry picking.
  • Exploring the Koiso Japanese Tea Company and processing facility.
  • Tours of JA Kagoshima Mirai Kagoshim-Sakurajima citrus sorting site and the Aeon Supermarket.
  • Witnessing the operations at Zen Noh Silo.

National FFA Eastern Region Vice President, Morgan Anderson, expressed the impact of the experience, stating, "From farm succession to hydroponics, and tea farming to trade ports, it was impactful to see firsthand how different, yet similar, the world operates."

The annual Japan trip is a testament to how agriculture transcends geographical boundaries, fostering unity despite cultural diversity. The officers, dedicated to a year of service, will share their global insights during National FFA Week, traveling across the country to connect with state representatives.

For more information on the National FFA Organization and its initiatives, visit

Photo Credit: National FFA


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