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Much-Needed Rain Falls Across Iowa

Widespread rain across Iowa resulted in 5.2 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending Sunday, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. Fieldwork included harvesting corn for silage, cutting hay, and applying pesticides.

Topsoil moisture condition rated 18 percent very short, 30 percent short, 50 percent adequate and 2 percent surplus. Thanks to widespread rain during the week, less than half of the topsoil is considered short to very short compared to 53 percent a week ago. Subsoil moisture condition rated 21 percent very short, 33 percent short, 44 percent adequate and 2 percent surplus.

Corn silking or beyond was 97 percent with 84 percent of the corn crop in dough stage or beyond, 5 days behind last year but 2 days ahead of the 5-year average. Thirty percent of Iowa's corn crop has reached the dent stage, 5 days behind last year and 1 day behind average. Some of the corn crop has started to mature at 1 percent. Corn condition remained 66 percent good to excellent. Ninety-seven percent of soybeans were blooming with 88 percent of the soybean crop setting pods, 8 days behind last year and 2 days behind the 5-year average. Two percent of the soybeans were turning color. Iowa's soybean condition was 62 percent good to excellent. Oats harvested for grain reached 91 percent, 8 days behind last year and 10 days behind the average.

Fifty-three percent of the State's third cutting of alfalfa hay was complete. All hay condition rose slightly to 48 percent good to excellent. Pasture condition rated 33 percent good to excellent. Grasshoppers are a concern in some areas.

Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig said, "Iowa experienced cooler temperatures and much-needed rainfall over the final week of the State Fair. While showers and thunderstorms brought heavier totals across the drought region, we need several months of above-average precipitation to relieve the most intense drought conditions. The rain received last week was welcomed as stressed soybeans continue to set and fill pods."

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Categories: Iowa, Weather

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