An expert in manure science and agricultural engineering will discuss the current state of manure management, inventory and nutrient needs among crop producers during an Aug. 10 webinar held by Iowa Learning Farms.
Daniel Andersen, associate professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering and extension agriculture engineering specialist at Iowa State University, will lead the discussion, called "Manure: Ancient Fertilizer in a Digital Age." Andersen's research and outreach focuses on manure management and water quality efforts, which include manure treatment and utilization, nutrient management and planning, field and farm-scale soil and water quality monitoring, and economic evaluation of alternative agricultural practices.
Iowa Learning Farms is an Iowa State University Extension and Outreach conservation and water quality education program.
He will also highlight the increased interest in carefully managed manure utilization as an offset to increasing fertilizer costs, as well as the potential for squeezing more value from manure to help the bottom line and improve water quality. Andersen will provide examples of management practices that can influence adoption decisions, as well as insights into new developments in equipment that will enhance control and effectiveness of manure use.
"We are striving to build trust with crop producers who are considering utilizing manure by addressing the variability of manure content through improvements in equipment and best practices," said Andersen. "There is an opportunity in the current economic climate to promote agricultural manure management systems that are environmentally sustainable, economically feasible and socially acceptable."
Participants in Iowa Learning Farms Conservation Webinars are encouraged to ask questions of the presenters. People from all backgrounds and areas of interest are encouraged to join.
To participate in the live webinar, shortly before noon CDT Aug. 10:
Click this URL, or type this web address into your internet browser:
Or, go to and enter meeting ID 364 284 172.
Or, join from a dial-in phone line by dialing +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 876 9923; Meeting ID: 364 284 172.
The webinar will also be recorded and archived on the ILF website, so that it can be watched at any time.
A Certified Crop Adviser board-approved continuing education unit has been applied for. Those who participate in the live webinar are eligible. Information about how to apply to receive the CEU will be provided at the end of the live webinar.
Categories: Iowa, Crops