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Iowans Prefer Real Meat Over Imitation Meat

Iowans Prefer Real Meat Over Imitation Meat

According to a recent survey by the Iowa Farm Bureau, most grocery shoppers in Iowa prefer real meat over lab-grown and plant-based imitation meat. Only 21% of shoppers would consider buying lab-grown imitation meat, and 24% would think about plant-based imitation meat.

Interestingly, for those who have tried plant-based imitation meat before, 53% are not interested in buying it again. On the other hand, 97% of Iowa households enjoy real meat and/or poultry on a weekly basis.

Price is a big factor for shoppers when choosing meat and dairy products, with 75% and 68%, respectively, saying it's important. They also like labels that show the food is locally sourced or from Iowa family farmers, with 34% and 33% valuing those labels.

People in Iowa trust their farmers a lot, with 93% saying they trust Iowa farmers, and 88% are confident in how they take care of their animals. Around 74% are confident that farmers are working hard to improve water quality, and nearly 90% are even more confident when they hear about the advanced farming practices used.

Learning about the nutritional benefits of real meat and dairy products makes shoppers want to eat more of them. High-quality protein, Vitamin B12, zinc, and iron found in real animal products are particularly appealing to them, and around 87% of Iowa shoppers like to buy food that helps their immune system. Around 69% plan to eat more meat and poultry because they know it's good for their immune system.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-mg7

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Categories: Iowa, Livestock, Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle

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