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Iowa State Researchers Work to Improve Sweet Corn

Iowa State Researchers Work to Improve Sweet Corn

Iowa State University researchers are at the forefront of a groundbreaking $15 million federal project aimed at elevating sweet corn quality. Collaborating with other institutions, the researchers are using innovative genetic tools to enhance flavor, texture, and resilience in sweet corn varieties.

The project, funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, has made significant strides since its launch in 2018. Establishing a resourceful panel of over 600 genotyped sweet corn varieties has been a crucial step, providing essential data for further research.

Dr. Alan Myers, a key contributor to the project, is exploring the genetic and biochemical aspects that influence carbohydrates' storage in corn kernels, with a focus on maximizing sweetness and texture. The team is using CRISPR gene editing to investigate enzyme impact on polymer architecture, aiming to achieve an ideal balance between starch and glucose.

Another critical aspect of the research involves speeding up breeding methods. Led by Thomas Lübberstedt, the group is refining doubled haploid technology to accelerate the creation of genetically pure plants. This streamlined breeding process ensures consistency in hybrid seed development and can preserve specific desirable traits, such as taste, shelf life, and disease resistance, with minimal effort.

The eight-year project is expected to yield tangible results and may lead to new and improved sweet corn varieties for consumers in the coming years.

Photo Credit: Iowa State University

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Categories: Iowa, Crops, Corn

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