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Iowa Farm Bureau's Acres of Opportunity Conference

Iowa Farm Bureau's Acres of Opportunity Conference

By Andi Anderson

The Acres of Opportunity conference organized by the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation seems like a fantastic opportunity for farmers, especially those interested in exploring niche markets or looking for ways to diversify their farming operations. The conference aims to address the challenges faced by both beginning farmers and those already in the industry, such as the significant initial investment and the projected reduction in net farm income.

The event, scheduled for March 16 at the Bridge View Center in Ottumwa, covers a wide range of niche areas, including specialty meats, small grains, flower farming, regenerative grazing, and more. The presence of industry experts discussing topics like beginning farmer loans, branding opportunities, and e-commerce adds significant value to the conference.

Keynoting the event is Sarah Frey, CEO and founder of Frey Farms, a notable figure in the agriculture industry. Her success story, described by the New York Times as "America's Pumpkin Queen," is sure to inspire attendees. Frey's journey from a simple produce route to a leading grower, shipper, and marketer of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as her foray into entrepreneurship with her watermelon juice business, Tsamaa, provides valuable insights into overcoming challenges and achieving success in the agricultural sector.

Amanda Van Steenwyk, Iowa Farm Bureau’s farm business development manager, emphasizes the conference's role in providing inspiration and showcasing what is possible in the farming industry. Hearing from experienced farmers who have faced and overcome challenges can help attendees gain confidence and ideas for their own ventures.

The registration details, with free registration for Farm Bureau members and a $60 fee for non-members, make the conference accessible to a wide audience. Interested individuals are encouraged to register online by March 3, and the full agenda can be viewed at

The Acres of Opportunity conference appears to be a valuable resource for farmers looking to explore niche markets, learn from industry experts, and network.

Photo Credit: Iowa Farm Bureau

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Categories: Iowa, Business

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