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Iowa Farm Bureau Outlines 2024 Legislative Focus for Agriculture and Rural Communities

Iowa Farm Bureau Outlines 2024 Legislative Focus for Agriculture and Rural Communities

By Andi Anderson

The Iowa Farm Bureau Federation (IFBF), representing the state's farmers, has outlined its key priorities for the upcoming legislative session. Protecting landowners, securing property tax relief, and modernizing the Grain Indemnity Fund top the list. 

Landowner Rights: Farm Bureau wants stronger protections for landowners facing large infrastructure projects like pipelines and power lines. They propose requiring a minimum 90% voluntary easement agreement before resorting to eminent domain, ensuring landowners have more say in how projects impact their property. 

Property Tax Relief: The Bureau applauds recent property tax reforms and seeks further measures to ease the burden on taxpayers. Maintaining existing tax credits for homesteads, farmland, and family farms is crucial, and they oppose converting credits to exemptions.  

Grain Indemnity Fund: Modernizing this farmer safety net is a priority. The Fund needs to reflect current grain prices and crop production. Iowa's fund is the smallest among neighboring states and doesn't cover credit sale contracts, a significant portion of commercial sales. The Bureau aims to address these shortcomings. 

Foreign Farmland Ownership: While Iowa already has strong restrictions, the Bureau supports efforts to enhance transparency and enforcement measures in this sensitive area. 

By focusing on these key priorities, the Iowa Farm Bureau seeks to secure a brighter future for landowners, farmers, and rural communities in the state. 


Photo Credit: pexels-nataliya-vaitkevich

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Categories: Iowa, Government & Policy

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