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Iowa crops soar with ideal weather

Iowa crops soar with ideal weather

By Andi Anderson

Iowa experienced favorable weather conditions with rain showers and above-average temperatures, which allowed farmers 4.8 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending August 4, 2024, according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service.

Field activities included harvesting oats for grain, cutting and baling hay, and applying fungicides.

Topsoil moisture conditions were rated 1 percent very short, 12 percent short, 76 percent adequate, and 11 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture conditions were rated 2 percent very short, 10 percent short, 79 percent adequate, and 9 percent surplus.

These moisture levels indicate that the majority of the state has sufficient water for crop development, although some areas face minor deficits.

Corn silking reached 92 percent this week, which is 5 days behind last year but equal to the five-year average. Fifty-one percent of the corn crop has reached the dough stage or beyond, which is 3 days ahead of the five-year average.

8 percent of the corn crop has reached the dent stage. The overall corn condition was rated at 77 percent good to excellent, showing strong crop health.

Ninety percent of soybeans were blooming, which is one week behind last year but 1 day ahead of the normal pace. Soybeans setting pods reached 58 percent, which is 5 days behind last year and 3 days behind the five-year average.

The soybean condition was rated 76 percent good to excellent, indicating a healthy crop overall.

Eighty-five percent of oats have been harvested, which is 5 days ahead of last year and 4 days ahead of the five-year average. The state’s second cutting of alfalfa hay reached 92 percent complete, 6 days behind last year but equal to the five-year average.

The third cutting of alfalfa hay reached 27 percent, which is 8 days behind last year but 1 day ahead of the five-year average. Hay condition was rated 72 percent good to excellent, while pasture condition was rated 62 percent good to excellent.

Overall, Iowa’s crops are benefiting from the recent rain and warmth, which have supported crop growth and allowed for significant fieldwork. Farmers continue to monitor crop conditions and manage their fields to ensure optimal health and productivity.

Despite some delays compared to last year, the state's crops are on track for a successful season.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-0shut0

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Categories: Iowa, Crops, Weather

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