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Iowa Crop Progress & Condition Report - October 22, 2023

Iowa Crop Progress & Condition Report - October 22, 2023

By Andi Anderson

Dry and warmer-than-average weather in Iowa has provided farmers with an extended window for fieldwork activities during the week ending October 22, 2023, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. The favorable conditions allowed for 5.7 days suitable for various field operations, with a primary focus on corn and soybean harvests, as well as fertilizer application and fall tillage.

Topsoil moisture conditions were reported as 16 percent very short, 38 percent short, 44 percent adequate, and 2 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture conditions were assessed at 28 percent very short, 43 percent short, 28 percent adequate, and 1 percent surplus.

Corn harvested for grain reached 62 percent statewide, which is 2 days ahead of the previous year and 1 week ahead of the 5-year average. The moisture content of field corn being harvested for grain remained steady at 17 percent. Soybeans harvested reached 87 percent, 1 day ahead of last year and 10 days ahead of the average.

Pasture conditions saw a slight improvement, with 19 percent rated as good to excellent. Livestock conditions were reported as generally good, but ensuring water access to pastured cattle remained a challenge.

Crop Condition as of October 22, 2023

Pasture and range:

  • Very Poor: (No data)
  • Poor: 15 percent
  • Fair: 32 percent
  • Good: 34 percent
  • Excellent: 17 percent
  • Poor to Excellent: 83 percent

Crop Progress as of October 22, 2023

  • Corn harvested for grain: 63 percent
  • Soybeans harvested: 93 percent

Days Suitable for Fieldwork and Soil Moisture Condition as of October 22, 2023

Days suitable for fieldwork:

  • NW: 5.1 days
  • NC: 5.9 days
  • NE: 5.9 days
  • WC: 5.8 days
  • C: 6.2 days
  • EC: 5.8 days
  • SW: 5.8 days
  • SC: 5.8 days
  • SE: 5.1 days

Topsoil moisture:

  • Very short: 10 percent
  • Short: 22 percent
  • Adequate: 65 percent
  • Surplus: 3 percent

Subsoil moisture:

  • Very short: 12 percent
  • Short: 48 percent
  • Adequate: 40 percent
  • Surplus: 0 percent

Dry and warm weather conditions in Iowa during the week ending October 22, 2023, facilitated fieldwork activities, primarily corn and soybean harvests. Despite challenges, pasture conditions improved slightly, and livestock conditions were generally good.


Photo Credit: istock-zhaojiankang

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Categories: Iowa, Crops

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