By Andi Anderson
The Iowa 4-H Connect Retreat is an annual event that brings together youth from all backgrounds to explore the 4-H program, connect with peers and mentors, and celebrate their cultural identity. The 2023 retreat, held October 6-8 at the Y-Camp in Boone, Iowa, welcomed 45 youth in grades 7-9 from across the state. The three-day retreat featured a variety of activities designed to help youth learn more about themselves and the world around them. On the first day, youth participated in an Ayni Despacho gratitude ceremony facilitated by life coach Robin Eaton. The ceremony brought all youth and adult participants together to dream together and call in the energy of the world they want to live in.
Participants also toured parts of Iowa State University’s campus and participated in fun and educational activities and presentations on healthy living, communication and the arts, archery and other outdoor activities. Youth engaged in a panel discussion with multicultural Iowa State University students, sharing their stories and experiences at Iowa State University.
On the second day of the retreat, participants heard from keynote speaker JJ Kapur. Kapur is the AmeriCorps Lead for the America Hometown Fellowship Program in Des Moines, where he works with CultureALL, a nonprofit organization that helps Iowans build bridges with their immigrant neighbors. Kapur shared his own story of growing up as a multicultural person and encouraged youth to be proud of their identities.
On the final day of the retreat, youth participated in an open book activity with partners from CultureALL. Open Book is based on a project from Denmark called the Human Library, where youth engage in a story-sharing experience where people are engaged as though they are books. Youth shared that they learned more about the importance of speaking up for themselves and how to achieve their goals by listening to experiences from those of differing cultures.
Throughout the retreat, youth had the opportunity to connect with peers from all over Iowa and learn about their different cultures. “It was cool to have the opportunity to see youth from all over the state growing and learning together,” said Ginny Kjer, 4-H southeast region program assistant and 4-H Connect Retreat co-leader.
The Iowa 4-H Connect Retreat is an important event that helps youth to feel connected to their peers, their communities, and their culture. It is also a great opportunity for youth to learn about the 4-H program and the many opportunities that it has to offer.
Photo Credit: 4-h
Categories: Iowa, Education