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Explore new farming tech at Iowa field day

Explore new farming tech at Iowa field day

By Andi Anderson

Farmers, landowners, and agricultural retailers in southeastern Iowa are encouraged to attend the summer field day hosted by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach along with the Southeast Iowa Agricultural Research Association. This event will take place at the Southeast Research and Demonstration Farm in Crawfordsville on June 26.

The day will start at 1 p.m. with an update from Cody Schneider, the farm superintendent. Following this, attendees will learn about the latest in bioreactor technology, edge-of-field practices, and the comprehensive approach to farm conservation from Kay Stefanik, Matt Helmers, Allen Brush, and Evan Brehm, who are leading experts in nutrient management and conservation.

Richard Roth, an extension nitrogen specialist, will discuss the crucial aspects of conducting successful on-farm trials with soybeans and sulfur. Rebecca Vittetoe highlights two new projects: the installation of a new bioreactor aimed at demonstrating nutrient reduction practices, and trials focusing on the sulfur needs of soybeans and the application of strip trials for practical farmer use.

For those interested in more intensive learning, a Certified Crop Adviser and Agronomy Professional Workshop will occur in the morning, offering credits in soil and water management and nutrient management. This workshop includes a classroom session and field demonstrations on various nutrient reduction practices.

The field day is free and open to the public, beginning with check-in at 12:30 p.m. The location of the event is detailed with directions provided for easy access. For further information or to register for the morning workshop (which includes lunch for a $50 fee), attendees can contact the ISU Extension and Outreach office in Washington County at 319-653-4811.

This field day promises to be an informative and engaging event for anyone involved in agriculture, providing a close look at the latest research and practices in the field.

Photo Credit -iowa-state-university

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Categories: Iowa, Crops, Education

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