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Dry and cool climate aids Iowa farmers

Dry and cool climate aids Iowa farmers

By Andi Anderson

Iowa farmers enjoyed a productive week for fieldwork, thanks to dry conditions and cool temperatures, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service.

During the week ending August 11, 2024, most of the state experienced favorable weather, allowing 6.4 days suitable for fieldwork. This enabled farmers to focus on critical activities such as harvesting oats for grain, cutting and baling hay, and preparing for the upcoming fall harvest.

Topsoil moisture conditions across Iowa were reported as 3 percent very short, 20 percent short, 72 percent adequate, and 5 percent surplus.

Subsoil moisture conditions were similarly stable, with 3 percent rated very short, 16 percent short, 77 percent adequate, and 4 percent surplus. These moisture levels provided sufficient support for crop growth, even with the limited rainfall.

Corn continued to progress well, with 96 percent of the crop having reached the silking stage this week. Additionally, 69 percent of the corn crop has reached the dough stage or beyond, slightly behind last year by one day but still two days ahead of the five-year average.

Seventeen percent of the corn has reached the dent stage, four days behind last year but three days ahead of the average. Overall, corn condition remains strong, with 77 percent rated as good to excellent.

Soybean progress was also notable, with 94 percent of soybeans blooming, matching the five-year average. Soybeans setting pods reached 74 percent, although this is five days behind last year and two days behind the average. Nevertheless, soybean condition is solid, with 77 percent rated good to excellent.

Iowa's oat harvest is nearing completion, with 93 percent of the crop harvested—one day ahead of last year and four days ahead of the average.

The second cutting of alfalfa hay reached 97 percent completion, and the third cutting reached 45 percent, one week behind last year but two days ahead of the five-year average.

Hay condition was favorable, with 75 percent rated good to excellent, while pasture condition was rated 63 percent good to excellent.

In summary, the dry and cool weather provided Iowa farmers with an ideal window for fieldwork, allowing them to advance in harvesting and preparing for the fall season. The favorable crop conditions, despite the dry weather, reflect the resilience of Iowa’s agricultural practices as farmers continue to push forward during the critical growing season.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-pamwalker68

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Categories: Iowa, Crops, Hay & Forage, Harvesting

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