Iowa State University engineers who have developed and commercialized soybean-based technologies for asphalt pavements will explain their innovations during a briefing in Washington, D.C.
The press and public are invited to “Bio-Based Asphalt: Paving the Future.” The briefing will be 2-4 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 6, in Room SVC 203-02 in the Capitol Visitors Center. Please RSVP here.
Congressional staffers and representatives of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials have also been invited.
Speaking will be:
Eric Cochran, the Mary Jane Skogen Hagenson and Randy L. Hagenson Professor in Chemical and Biological Engineering, Iowa State’s site director for the Center for Bioplastics and Biocomposites supported by the National Science Foundation and a co-founder and technical advisor for SoyLei Innovations, a company commercializing biopolymers for asphalt.
Christopher Williams, the Gerald and Audrey Olson Professor in Civil Engineering, the director of the Iowa State Institute for Transportation’s Asphalt Materials and Pavements Program and a SoyLei co-founder and technical advisor.
Cochran and Williams have worked for more than 13 years to develop a bio-based alternative to a petroleum-based asphalt additive that extends the life of pavements, promotes pavement recycling and lowers emissions from pavement production and maintenance.
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Photo Credit: gettyimages-zoran-zeremski
Categories: Iowa, Crops, Soybeans