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Corn Rootworm Demonstrations Planned at Northern Research Farm

Corn Rootworm Demonstrations Planned at Northern Research Farm

A corn rootworm management field day will be held Aug. 1 at Iowa State University’s Northern Research and Demonstration Farm “South Farm,” located at 1040 James Ave. Kanawha, from 5:30-7 p.m.

A free evening meal will be provided though a sponsorship with the Iowa Corn Growers Association-District 2.

Last year, entomologists and field specialists with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach received numerous questions about effective management for corn rootworm as populations have increased the past two years and farmers have experienced enhanced root injury during drought conditions.

A demonstration will showcase hybrid traits (no Bt for corn rootworm, SmartStax, SmartStax Pro, Duracade and Qrome) with and without a soil-applied insecticide. In addition to ways to manage corn rootworm, the event will feature scouting tips and advice. Erin Hodgson, professor in entomology and extension specialist in entomology at Iowa State, recommends corn growers dig a few corn roots up in July and August, even if they don’t suspect they have a problem with corn rootworm.

“In most growing conditions in Iowa, you’re not going to see above-ground signs of stress, because we have such good soils,” said Hodgson. “But that doesn’t mean corn rootworm isn’t present or that it won’t be a problem later in the season.”


Photo Credit: gettyimages-dszc


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